Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back To Basics Grain Mill

If you're like many people these days, you're taking a hard look at the foods your family is eating. You're cutting out processed foods more and more. You're cooking more meals at home using fresh ingredients, and eating less out-of-the-box or fast food meals.

A great way to incorporate more fresh, unprocessed foods into your cooking is to start grinding your own flour. Grinding your own grains into flour let you:
- Eat healther by incorporating more whole grains into your diet. You'll also get more nutrients out of the flour since it's not processed.
- Save money, as whole grains sell cheaper than pre-made flours (and they last a lot longer too).
- Experience the great taste of foods that are prepared with fresh flour.

If you'd like to try grinding your own grains, the Back To Basic Grain Mill is a great one to start with. It's a compact hand grinder that can grind fine, whole-grain flours and coarse-grain cereals and has stainless steel grinding cones for longevity. And, it's only $59.00 (compared to the hundreds of dollars that electric grinders can cost).

If you want to learn more about grinding your own flour, then check out this article, and this one too. If you already grind your own flour and have any tips, be sure to leave them in the comments section!